Category Archives: Uncategorized

Session 1

Hey! So on Saturday I had my first session of laser tattoo removal. 

It took about five minutes to cover the whole thing, which is a lot quicker than I thought it would be. But it hurt! The guy lasering me told me a little bit more about what actually happens in the process. So they use different ‘lenses’ – one for black, one for colour, and (I’m quoting here) “it puts minor burns on your skin”. Which is reassuring at best.

So this is what it looked like immediately after. Very red, very swollen, and very painful!



About 3 hours later the redness had gone down, and the blisters started…



And they got worse…



Just a tip: try not to wear long sleeves, the blisters are really delicate. Just rolling down my sleeve was an effort…

And this is what it looks like now, 2 days later. All the blisters have gone, the bigger ones are starting to scab (ew) and it looks really disgusting but doesn’t feel too bad! 


Next session is in 4 weeks time. Check back soon!

Kirsty x


Patch Test #1

Here we go! I had my first test patch on my butterfly last Monday (26th April) and all went well.

Firstly: I know what you’re thinking. Did it hurt? My answer: Yes. But the pain was gone almost instantly. It is like having a rubber band snapped on your skin over and over…but in comparison to the dragging, burning sensation of a tattoo, it’s bearable.
I had just a corner of the tattoo zapped, and was in and out of the shop within ten minutes. Crazy right?

So in terms of aftercare: I was told that it should be treated exactly like a tattoo (DON’T scratch it, DON’T soak it, and make sure it doesn’t get infected. If this does happen, come back immediately.) However I also got told DON’T put any cream on it like I would with a tattoo. This is because the cream will react and will generally make things worse…

This does however mean that it gets very itchy within a couple of days, so I used a wee bit of Bepanthen on it at the advice of the professionals. Seems to be ok!

So immediately after it was done my arm was very red and swollen. Shockingly so in fact. Apparently this is normal though, so no worries.


Then the day after it was done, blisters started to appear. DO NOT PICK THESE! This is part of the process of the skin reacting to the laser. They did die down after a couple of days and eventually disappeared and the skin started to scab over. This is the time when it gets unbearably itchy sometimes, and Bepanthen is best to keep it to a minimum.

photo (1)

So this is where I’m at now! First appointment is two weeks after the patch test, so I’m booked in for the rest at 10am on Saturday 3rd May. Wish me luck!


Kirsty x

Hi everyone…

Hey everybody. My name is Kirsty. I’m 21 years old and I live in Bolton, Lancashire. Recently I’ve made a few life changing decisions, and the effect of that has been the decision to get rid of the seven tattoos.

These are: a small anchor on the back of my neck. My first tattoo, a nice little 2 inch nautical beauty which was done when I was 18 years old.


A small pink bow and the word ‘Reverie’ on my wrists. These will be the last to go as they’re the smallest and the most subtle.

bow wrist

A Sailor Jerry inspired butterfly on my right arm. This is my most recent piece, and is the one that is first to go.


The words ‘ambition is critical’ on my ribs. A quote that I live by every day, when I’m feeling down and like I’ve got nowhere to go, at least I’ve got ambition. In two minds whether to get rid of this, and I’d appreciate feedback.


Last but not least, my lovely feet tattoos. A rose and a swallow, done two years ago. I love these bad boys and they make me hate wearing socks, but they will be going.


So this is my blog, I will be updating it regularly with photographs and details of my experiences. Feel free to follow and comment and ask questions! And enjoy!


Kirsty x